Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Is romance and passion stronger during different seasons of life?

Sometimes our hearts seem more open to be romantic and passionate than others. Seasons seem to prompt us to express those feelings to those we love and hold dear. But is it really the season that makes the difference?

I believe true love grows and grows....wild as the summer grass...never dying, no matter what the season. Many times when schedules return to "normal" and activities become routine again after holidays..there's a bit of a let-down between those who seem so totally invigorated with romance and passion. You have to ask, "Was it real, or was it just an illusion?"

Committed hearts do know the difference between circumstantial feelings and the genuine. Romance and passion rooted in truth will be more than just what is seen, and felt. They will continue to flourish because facts change but truth does not. True love knows what true love is. It abides in a place of security in the hearts of lovers and no matter what season..the peace, rest, stillness, excitement and assurance of the power of love's longevity can remain.

We make choices in our lives that affect the power of passion and they can make all the difference in what happens between those genuinely in love with each other, or just in love with romance and passion. Romance and passion don't create themselves. The creative power of real love creates its own season each...and every day. So... never let the sun set without sharing today what you may not have an opportunity to give tomorrow.

David Hammock. Copyright 2011. All Rights Reserved.

1 comment:

  1. It is true the seasons of the year instill in us a desire to be with someone to celebrate the joy of the season...Christmas, New Years, Valentine's Day and for some the early morning beauty of spring. Caution is needed to ensure the feelings are genuine and not the need of a lonely spirit in search of the peace that comes from being in someones arms to watch the sun rise, the lights on a Christmas tree or a kiss at the stroke of midnight. These pass so quickly and we are sometimes left with someone who want to go quickly into the sunset away from us.

    *Written by a friend
