Saturday, October 1, 2011

It's just not possible for true love to walk away and ignore forgiveness.

I don't want you to walk out of my life
and never come back. Surely between the two of us we can find the forgiveness which lies in the heart of God. Is it not big enough for ours? I have reached a point that I am willing to offer y
ou anything that I have to offer, that truly belongs to you. I offer all that I have. You've seen my worst; can you believe I've told you the truth? And that the best really is deep down inside of me? Trust is really hard for me and I'm working on that. You're really quite a woman, you know. That's why I want you. I truly do believe you're the one woman who can truly be the woman I've always wanted and I want to be that man you've wanted to. I love you.

* A private love note between hearts torn by misunderstandings.

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