Thursday, August 11, 2011

That Which is most Precious is Love

Does anyone really know what love looks like? What is the face of love?
What does it mean to feel the feelings of love? What are the true thoughts
of love? What are the joys of love? What are the tears of love? I don't know
that anyone has exact answers for these questions. The answers are
different for each of us...just like the feelings, thoughts, joys and tears.

Each man and each woman, the world over wants to love and be loved. But...
many never find it. Some live their lives in disillusionment, disappointment
and compromise. A few dare to feel something greater than today. The
serious ponder possibilities further than the steps they walk
today. Some can hardly imagine that anything will be better today or
tomorrow because of yesterday. Having to suffer in silence or suffer aloud
is the plot of many who remain sad.

I have never been able, despite the challenge and pain of life's obstacles to
accept that the best is forbidden to me for any reason. As long as there is life,
there is hope. I know life is love and love is life. So... I will continue to believe
that dreams were always meant to be realities and that real love belongs to
all of us if we will surrender all that is worthless that we may discover the truly
priceless. AND....that can only be LOVE... indeed that which is most precious.

David Hammock. Copyright 2011. All Rights Reserved.

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